Rest and Rejuventation: Balancing Your Nervous Systems for Healthy Skin

How can we achieve the healthiest, most vibrant skin? It’s not as complex as you may think….

In its simplest form, our skin is made up of layers of cells. These cells require adequate nutrients and oxygen as well as the ability to remove metabolic waste to thrive. If we facilitate those 3 simple things, our skin would have no choice but to be vibrant and glowy! If its truly as simple as that then why do we all feel like we are struggling with our skin???

Everything about conventional living, while making some things incredibly convenient, is essentially working against what our cells need to thrive. We spend tons of time in doors, working on computers, staring at our phones, working long hours, not getting enough sleep, etc. All of these things cause the symptoms that are blocking cellular vitality:

  • Stress

  • Inflammation

  • Stagnant Lymph

Ok, so what can we do about it?

We have to rest. We have to! We have 2 types of nervous systems in our body. The symphathetic nervous system is responsible for our state of awareness. It becomes hyper-active when the “fight, flight, freeze or fawn” response is engaged during times of great physical or emotional demand. In today’s society not many of us have to worry about running away from an attacking bear, BUT our bodies don’t know the difference between a predator attack and an overwhelming amount of emails and project deadlines. It might seem silly but we live in a world that creates an excess ‘symphathetic’ load which leads to all sorts of imbalances in our brains and bodies. If our systems are constantly prepared to flee at any given moment we can’t heal.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for allowing the body to function in the “rest and digest” state. When this response is engaged, it triggers salivation, digestion, lowered heart rate, and slower deeper breathing. In this relaxed state our body systems are able to function without threat. Our cells are able to regenerate and healing mechanisms are able to engage. Until we prioritize spending time in the parasympathetic state, our bodies wont be able to carry out the necessary functions leading to more imbalances, less than adequate cellular activity, sluggish inflammed skin and premature aging to say the very least.

We highly recommend making time to come in and experience a deeply relaxing treatment from one of us to help induce the parasympathetic state. The Wholelistic Face Lift Facial, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Facial, Lymphatic Body Treatments & The Wholelistic 90 min Facial all do this beautifully! In the meantime, here are some things you can do at home for FREE to help your body rejuvenate:

  • practice deep breathing: This doesn’t have to be fancy. Just sitting quietly and comfortably place one hand on your heart and one on your belly. Really pay attention as you inhale slowly and deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Do this for just 5 breaths in the beginning and add more as you become more comfotable with the ritual.

  • unplug during meals: Even if you are super busy and only have a few minutes to inhale a bag of chips on your lunch break, make the effort to honor your meal time. If we check emails, watch tv or scroll on IG while we eat, our bodies stay in the sympathetic state and won’t digest and assimilate nutrients properly.

  • yoga nidra/guided meditation: There are tons of free guided meditations on all streaming platforms. Some are specifically for better sleep or for stress management but all of them will help you drop into a meditative state. Try typing ‘yoga nidra’ into the search bar and choose different ones until you find ones that you like.

  • turn your skincare routine into a ritual: Washing your face and nourishing your skin with serums and moisturizers can feel like a chore at the end of a busy day. We invite you to reframe it in your mind as a luxurious ritual. Take your time and pay attention to how your skin feels under your fingertips, enjoy the smells, and allow your facial muscles to relax as you massage your cleanser and anoint your skin with supportive potions.

Take care of yourself! You are magic and deserve to experience a magical existence. We hope to see you soon! If this was helpful, please do share it with someone in your life that could benefit from some functional relaxation!