
Dien Chan Zone Facial Reflexology

The ancient art of facial reflexology is a holistic treatment that aims to trigger the mechanisms that bring homeostasis, a state of equilibrium and harmony. A ‘reflex’ is the response of an organ, muscle or gland in reaction to a stimulation caused by the energetic stream. The Dien Chan Zone technique I’ve just certified in utilizes reflex points and micro “zones” located on the face to encourage harmony throughout the systems of the body, thereby maximizing your body’s own healing capacity.

During Facial Reflexology treatments I use a very simple metal reflex tool to gently stimulate reflex points and zones on the face. It is extremely relaxing!

During Facial Reflexology treatments I use a very simple metal reflex tool to gently stimulate reflex points and zones on the face. It is extremely relaxing!

While there is a great deal of studying and practical involved in this certification, it lends itself so easily to my treatment room and best of all, it will be very easy for you to heal yourself at home. That’s right! My absolute favorite thing about this modality is that I can share with you some very simple ways to stimulate your own face every day to focus on your specific issues, support your systems that may be a little out of wack and HEAL YOURSELF!! You don’t need any extra product or tool. You can use a smooth end of a pen or just your finger tips. The most important aspects of this technique are intention and consistency. You can absolutely handle it!

When I first began this course I was intrigued by the thought of being able to facilitate healing of my internal body by touching only the outside of my body. I usually approach everything with a dose of skepticism so I was very particular about how I went about incorporating this technique into my daily ritual. With this form of facial reflexology we are able to affect the internal body systems (reproductive, digestive, respiratory, etc.) as well as the muscular skeletal system. I’ve always got something going on with back pain so I figured I’d start my focus there. I didn’t change anything in my daily routine other than adding 10 min of facial reflexology on the “zones” that correspond to the spine, hips, neck and shoulders. Days 1 and 2 felt very relaxing but didn’t cause much change in my pain levels. By day 3 I was able to go a little deeper into my yoga practice which was exciting but not that out of the ordinary. By day 5 I woke up with almost zero stiffness in my back and shoulders! I continued doing 10 min of stimulation for a total of 21 days and my back has not felt that good in a long long time! I’m a total believer and I am so thankful I have this simple tool in my wellness toolbox to be able to help myself!

So, here’s how we can start to incorporate this healing modality into your life right now: Let’s book a virtual session (30min/$50)! We can log on, go over any concerns you have and then I can teach you a bespoke ritual that will focus on bringing harmony and vibrancy to your body, mind & skin. If this sounds like something you would like to do, simply send an email requesting a virtual appointment and I’ll take it from there! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments.

Stay well, xoxo!

Connective Tissue Massage: Healing Skin From the Inside Out

Thank you to Kristen of Woodside Holistic for allowing me to use this image beautifully depicting the connective tissue technique.

Thank you to Kristen of Woodside Holistic for allowing me to use this image beautifully depicting the connective tissue technique.

Remember me mentioning an amazing training retreat I was part of in September? Well the Connective Tissue massage technique was just one part of that wonderful week. I got to spend 5 days with a group of like-minded estheticians and, wow, what a supportive experience. The connective tissue work is taught by Anne Brahman who runs a holistic esthetician program and it is inspired by the work of Elizabeth Dicke (a German physical therapist). Taking advantage of the skin’s own incredible structure this technique causes a natural lifting effect while truly rejuvenating the tissue. We are working the space within the skin where the collagen and elastin live which supports the structure of our skin. Within this space live nerve endings as well as our blood supply for nutrients and our lymph system for waste removal. When we tune into this layer of our skin, not only does the health of our skin improve, but the nerve endings communicate with our brain and our entire body can feel the benefits! 

The ever important protective acid mantle of the skin is generated from the inside out so by focusing on healing the inside layers of the skin, we can expect true rejuvenation by supporting the skins natural function. I highly recommend investing in the True Rejuvenation Package for the most effective and longest lasting results. By performing this technique on a weekly basis (for 8 weeks) we are able to thoroughly flush the lymphatic system (carrying away unwanted toxic buildup), flood the skin with healthy nutrients (through the interstitial fluid and circulation), and make space for the facial muscles to lift back up where they belong. What’s truly amazing to me about this work is how I am able to watch the skin change throughout the treatment. I can see the freshly oxygenated blood flush the surface of the skin. I can watch and feel the fluid drain from the puffy areas. I can feel the space created and I can watch as the muscles fully relax, you take a deep breath and let go. 

This is my beautiful Mama and the image on the right is after only 1 connective tissue treatment! It’s amazing how the skin responds so positively when it’s given a dose of the nutrients and the love it needs.

This is my beautiful Mama and the image on the right is after only 1 connective tissue treatment! It’s amazing how the skin responds so positively when it’s given a dose of the nutrients and the love it needs.

Heal: BLUblox Glasses and Your Wellness


One of the easiest/non-toxic ways to boost your overall skin health and wellness is to eliminate exposure to nonnative blue light frequencies after dark. The light that comes from our screens (phone, tablet, computer, tv, car, etc.) has blue and green light frequencies that disrupt our hormone production. When our eyes are exposed to that light, it triggers the release of cortisol and suppresses melatonin since the brain thinks it must be solar noon (since that is the only time when those blue and green colors are visible in natural sunlight). So, let’s say that it’s 8pm and you are sitting down to unwind from a long day by binging a little on Netflix. The blue flickering light from your tv suppresses your melatonin production making it more difficult for you to fall asleep and get quality restful zzzzzs! 


Natural light vs. artificial light:

Blue light is found both naturally and artificially. When you go outside blue light is emitted from the sun which is essential in regulating your sleep and wake cycles and your body clock. Blue light has also been shown to improve alertness, reaction times and create a sense of wellness. Blue light from the sun is essential as it is accompanied by all the other colors from the light spectrum, making it a balanced and healthy light source. In winter months when the sun does not come out we can suffer from Season Affective Disorder (S.A.D) which lowers mood and heightens feelings of depression and anxiety.

The blue light found on our phone screens and led light bulbs at home are not accompanied by the full color spectrum and end up damaging our mitochondrial function in addition to messing up our hormone production. 

Why is melatonin so important?

Not only does melatonin tell your body that it’s time to rest by controlling your circadian rhythms, it is the number one cancer fighting hormone in our body due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. That doesn’t mean you should start downing melatonin supplements (although there is an anti-cancer treatment that involves mega dosing melatonin that some alternative oncology centers use), but you can see why it’s so important to make sure you are supporting your body’s natural production!

Enter my favorite blue light blocking hack: Blublox glasses. These glasses block all the harmful blue and green light frequencies so you can maintain your habits of using electricity and screens after dark without ruining your hormone production. 

BLUblox lenses are manufactured under heavily QC's optics laboratory conditions. They have 3 different lenses listed below:

  • The Sleep+ glasses align with the academic literature and block 100% of blue and green light from 400-550nm. They are to be worn post-sunset.

  • The SummerGlo glasses block out blue light from 400-450nm, this is the frequencies of light that damage the eyes, cause digital eyestrain and disrupt your hormones. The cleverly designed yellow tint also causes a hormone boost during the day making you feel absolutely great!

  • The BluLite Computer glasses filter down blue light by around 40% across the entire blue spectrum between 400-495nm. This allows for less eye strain, headaches and dry eyes

In addition to providing a great product, Blublox has a community initiative as well. Through their partnership with RestoringVision, a non-profit dedicated to providing new, high quality, reading glasses to those who would otherwise not have access, they help to give the gift of sight to people living in impoverished communities around the world. Their mission it to restore hope and the opportunity for a better quality of life in developing countries by restoring their ability to see clearly, work, read, learn, perform daily tasks and provide for themselves and their families. For every pair of BLUblox glasses that are sold, they sponsor a brand new pair of reading glasses to an individual in need, helping them to experience the world differently.

BLUblox has lots of stylish frames and you can even get them in your prescription. I get tons of compliments on mine and I have noticed such a difference in my sleep! Follow the button below to their website and use code WHOLELISTIC for 15% off!

Protect: Ingredients To Avoid In Your Personal Care Products


At this point we have all become aware of how important it is to pay attention to what we put in & on our bodies. Our skin is a direct path to our blood stream so I recommend being extra cautious when choosing personal care products. As “natural” & “clean” skin care has become popular there has also been an increase in “green washing” marketing. Just because something is labeled as organic or natural, doesn’t necessarily mean it is totally free of concerning ingredients. This list of potentially harmful ingredients to avoid in your personal care products was originally put together by Becky Kuehn of Oncology Spa Solutions (where I received my Oncology Esthetics certification). Screen shot this list so you have access to it when considering new products:

Fragrance- top concerns: Allergies, toxicity, skin sensitivity, dermatitis, immune toxicant, neurotoxicity, cancer, endocrine disruption. May also be labeled as: Naticide, Conarom H-3 (a blend of) PPG-2 methylether, piperonal and phenylpropanol, Conarom E (a blend of) PPG-2 methylether, piperonal and phenylethanol, Conarom P (a blend of ) Phenylethanol, caprylyl glycol and trideceth-8, BHT, BHA, DBP, DEP, DMP, Benzyl Alcohol, Citral, Citronellols, Eugenol, Geraniol, Hexyl Salicylate, Isoeugenol, Methylionone, Phenylacetaldehyde, Antioxyne b, Antrancine 1 2, Eec no. e320, Embanox, Nipantiox, 1-f, Protex, Sustane 1-f, Tenox BHA

Phthalates- top concerns: cancer, toxicity, allergies and endocrine disruption. May also be labeled as DBP, BBP, DEHP, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl este, dbp, di-n-butylphthalate, dibutyl 1,2-bensenedicarboxylate, dibutyl ester 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl phthalate, benzene-o-dicarboxylic acid di-n-butyl ester; celluflex.

Triclosan- top concerns: persistence, bio accumulation, organ system toxicity, endocrine disruption, eye, skin and lung irritant. May also be labeled as 5-chlora-2- (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenol, 2,4,4’-trichlora-2’-hydroxy diphenyl ether, 5chloro2, trichloro-2’-hydroxydiphenyl ether, ch 3565; irgasan; irgasan dp300; phenol. 

Formaldehyde- top concerns: Cancer, toxicity, immunotoxicity, irritation and endocrine (hormone) disruption, mutagenic. May also be labeled as DMDM Diazolidinyl Urea, Quaternium 15 and Bronopol, formalin, formid aldehyde, merthaldehyde, methanal, methyl aldehyde, oxomethane, oxymethelyne, aldehyd mravenci, aldehyde formique, aldeide formica, bfv, imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM hydantoin, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, phenylacetyl urea, a-1348, acetylureum, alpha-phenylacetylurea, carbamide, phenylacetate, carbanmide, cetylureum, comitiadone, eferon, epheron, epiclase. 

DEA & TEA- top concerns: Cancer, allergies and immunotoxicity. May also be labeled as Diethanolamine, Triethanolamine, N, N-diethanolamine, 2,2’-dihydroxydiethylamine, 2,2’-iminobisethanol, 2,2’-iminodiethanol, ethanol 2,2iminobis, DEA, 2,2’-dihydroxydiethylamine, 2’(2-hydroxyethyl) amine, 2,2’,2”-Nitrilotris-; 2,2’,2”-Nitrilotris, TEA, TROLAMINE, Nitriloriehanol, Alkanolamine 244, Daltogen, Nitrilo-2,2’,2”, Triethanol, Sterolamide.

Coal Tar Derivitives- top concerns: Cancer, toxicity, allergies, immunotoxicity, endocrine disruption and organ toxicity. 

May also be labeled as Toluene, & BHT, Benzene, methyl, Methylbenzene, Toluol, Antisal 1 a benzene, methyl cp 25, Methacide, Methane, phenul, FD&C or D&C, followed by a color or a number (e.g., FD&C yellow No. 5) allura red, allura red ac, c.i. 16035, c.i. Food red 17. 

Parabens- top concerns: Cancer and endocrine disruption.

May also be labeled as methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben and ethylparaben.

Propylene Glycol- top concerns: Cancer, toxicity, allergies, hives, eczema, irritaion (eyes, skin or lungs), enhanced skin absorption, dermatitis, sensitizing & organ system toxicity, dryness. 

May also be labeled as 1,2-dihydroxypropane, 2-hydroxypropanol, methylethyl glycol, 1,2-propanedial, propane-1,2-diol, 1,2-propylene glycol, 1,2-propylenglykol, alpha-propyleneglycol, dowfrost, methylethylene glycol, 1,2-propanediol, methyl glycol, and trimethyl glycol, PEG or PPG.

Octoxynols- top concerns: cancer, toxicity, endocrine disruptor, human skin toxicant. 

May also be labeled as Octoxynols with any number behind it, peg-20, PEG-40 octyl phenyl ether, Polyethylene Glycol 2000 Octyl Phenyl Ether, carboxylic acid; polyethylene glycol 1000, polyoxyethylene, nonaethylene glycol octylphenyl ether, antarox a-200, ethoxylated p-tert-octylphenol, hydrol sw, octylphenol polyethoxylate, actylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol, polyethyleneglycol 4- (tert-octyl) phenyl ether, preceptin.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate- top concerns: cancer, allergies and immunotoxicity, 1-4 dioxane contamination. 

May also be labeled as dodecyl sodium sulfate;peg- (1-4) lauryl ether sulfate, polyethylene glycol, poly (oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),a -sulfo-w (dodecyloxy), polyoxyethylene (1-4) lauryl ether sulfate, sodium peg lauryl ether sulfate; sodium polyoxyethylene. 

Ethyl Acetate- top concerns: cancer, neurotoxicity, irritation, organ system toxicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity. 

May also be labeled as Acetic acid, Ethyl ester, Ethyl ester acetic acid, Acetic acid ethyl ester, Acetic ether, Acetidin, Acetoxyethane, Aethylacetat, Essigester, Ethyl acetate (acgih:osha), Ethyl acetic ester, Ethyl ethanoate.

Aluminum- top concerns: cancer, rash, irritation, immunotoxicity, endocrine disruption, impaired kidney function, bone disease and tissue damage and has been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

May also be labeled as Aluminum zirconium, aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex glycine complex, Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly.

Mineral Oil/ Petrochemicals- top concerns: Immunotoxicity, Organ system toxicity, alleries and cancer. 

May also be labeled as mineral oil, liquidum paraffinum, paraffin oil, paraffin wax, petrolatum and toluene.

Oxybenxone- top concerns: Developmental and reproductive toxicity, allergies, immunotocixity, endocrine disruption, enhanced absorption, organ system toxicity, ecotoxicology, bio chemical and cellular level changes.

May also be labeled as benzophenone-3, 2-benzoyl-5-methoxyphenol; 2-hydroxy-4methoxybenzophenone; (2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl) phenylmethanone; methanone, phenyl-methanone; benzophenone-3, oxybenzone 6; methanone, b3; durascreen; solaquin.

The good news is that you are in control here. You can choose where you invest your money, energy and time in order to protect yourself and your family. All of the products offered at Wholelistic Esthetics have been researched and curated so you can feel confident in the safety of all treatments.