
Help! Stop my neck from sagging!

Thanks to our laptops and phones, “tech-neck” is a real thing… but don’t worry, there are ways to protect and rejuvenate the neck and chin!

Thanks to our laptops and phones, “tech-neck” is a real thing… but don’t worry, there are ways to protect and rejuvenate the neck and chin!

“Girl, the skin around my neck is starting to sag… is there anything I can do to tighten it that actually works, besides some kinda surgery?” I get this kind of question a lot and the answer is yes! There are several things you can do to protect the skin of your neck as well as enhance the muscle tone of the whole area. Lots of products claim they have a ‘tightening’ effect but even if these do offer any kind of enhancement it is always temporary. Relying on topical treatments is the equivalent of putting a scarf over your skin disguising the issue without getting to the root cause of it. Here are some easy rituals to add to your day to improve muscle tone, stimulate skin regeneration and improve the overall look and feel from your chin down:

  • Incorporate a Gua Sha practice into your skin care routine- Gua Sha is an ancient practice that utilizes a smooth stone to stimulate lymph flow, tone muscles and flush the skin with nutrient rich oxygenated blood. You can literally iron out your wrinkles and fine lines with daily use.

  • Apply a cold compress to the area every day- The application of a cool/cold compress stimulates an immediate drawing response activating the piloerector muscles improving muscle tone to the area.

  • Always bring your skincare down the neck and chest- All those luscious ingredients will benefit and support the skin of your neck and chest as well as your face! And don’t forget the SPF.

Start doing these rituals every day and watch the tone and feel of your skin improve! You got this!

Need more of a custom plan? I’m currently offering one-on-one virtual sessions! Send me a message to schedule yours now.

Need a Gua Sha stone? Check out these in the online shop.



Dien Chan Zone Facial Reflexology

The ancient art of facial reflexology is a holistic treatment that aims to trigger the mechanisms that bring homeostasis, a state of equilibrium and harmony. A ‘reflex’ is the response of an organ, muscle or gland in reaction to a stimulation caused by the energetic stream. The Dien Chan Zone technique I’ve just certified in utilizes reflex points and micro “zones” located on the face to encourage harmony throughout the systems of the body, thereby maximizing your body’s own healing capacity.

During Facial Reflexology treatments I use a very simple metal reflex tool to gently stimulate reflex points and zones on the face. It is extremely relaxing!

During Facial Reflexology treatments I use a very simple metal reflex tool to gently stimulate reflex points and zones on the face. It is extremely relaxing!

While there is a great deal of studying and practical involved in this certification, it lends itself so easily to my treatment room and best of all, it will be very easy for you to heal yourself at home. That’s right! My absolute favorite thing about this modality is that I can share with you some very simple ways to stimulate your own face every day to focus on your specific issues, support your systems that may be a little out of wack and HEAL YOURSELF!! You don’t need any extra product or tool. You can use a smooth end of a pen or just your finger tips. The most important aspects of this technique are intention and consistency. You can absolutely handle it!

When I first began this course I was intrigued by the thought of being able to facilitate healing of my internal body by touching only the outside of my body. I usually approach everything with a dose of skepticism so I was very particular about how I went about incorporating this technique into my daily ritual. With this form of facial reflexology we are able to affect the internal body systems (reproductive, digestive, respiratory, etc.) as well as the muscular skeletal system. I’ve always got something going on with back pain so I figured I’d start my focus there. I didn’t change anything in my daily routine other than adding 10 min of facial reflexology on the “zones” that correspond to the spine, hips, neck and shoulders. Days 1 and 2 felt very relaxing but didn’t cause much change in my pain levels. By day 3 I was able to go a little deeper into my yoga practice which was exciting but not that out of the ordinary. By day 5 I woke up with almost zero stiffness in my back and shoulders! I continued doing 10 min of stimulation for a total of 21 days and my back has not felt that good in a long long time! I’m a total believer and I am so thankful I have this simple tool in my wellness toolbox to be able to help myself!

So, here’s how we can start to incorporate this healing modality into your life right now: Let’s book a virtual session (30min/$50)! We can log on, go over any concerns you have and then I can teach you a bespoke ritual that will focus on bringing harmony and vibrancy to your body, mind & skin. If this sounds like something you would like to do, simply send an email requesting a virtual appointment and I’ll take it from there! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments.

Stay well, xoxo!

Skin: Welcome Laurel Skin to Wholelistic Esthetics

As soon as I learned about a skin care company that was totally organic and whole plant sourced I got very excited. Then I started reading more and more about Laurel Skin and fell even deeper in love. Not only are the products beautiful, they are created with such brilliant care. Laurel pays attention to every little detail, holds firmly to her extremely high standards when it comes to the quality of the ingredients and is a huge wealth of knowledge about plant medicine and how we can utilize it to heal our skin! I am thrilled to be partnered with Laurel Skin and can’t wait for you to experience the magic of organic whole plant skincare. All the Laurel products will be available for purchase in studio and will be featured during your Wholelistic Transcendence Signature Treatment.

Sourcing determines how effective a formula will be and the carbon footprint we have on our planet. Sourcing defines who we are as a company, and in many ways defines who I am as a human being – I can’t imagine anything more important to both the heart and science of our formulas than sourcing.
— Laurel

Sourcing is something I have been paying more and more attention to. You can find very inexpensive “natural” products on any shelf and it really begs the question; why is it so cheap? The quality of the ingredients that go into our products and how those individual ingredients are handled is just as important as what ingredients we are avoiding. Have you experienced the difference between a fresh carrot from the farm market and one from the grocery store? The bright crisp “aliveness” of the fresh carrot that traveled a very short distance from ground to your kitchen vs the less energetically charged store bought one is undeniable. Are both carrots good for you? Sure! But, if given the option, I want the most medicine for my skin! Here’s a little more about Laurel Skin:

Headquartered in Sausalito with views of the San Francisco Bay, Laurel’s Lab sits nestled in a corner studio, tucked away from the bustling activity on Bridgeway. With several organic and Biodynamic® farms within 100 miles of her Lab, Laurel’s namesake line captures California’s hearty terrain and natural abundance in each and every bottle. In the practice and disciple of Slow Beauty, Laurel relies on her own manufacturing and production capabilities.

it starts with the seed.

In the Winter, Laurel meets with their partnering farms to discuss how much plant material they project for the year ahead. With over 150 plants in the line, this is no small feat, and under or over-projecting can mean significant loss for both farm and brand. Luckily, because many farms are local to the Bay Area, Laurel meets on their land to cultivate close relationships and develop a clear understanding of the conditions, capacity, and culture of the farm. For the few ingredients that thrive in tropical climates, Laurel sources from overseas and is in constant communication with the growers and artisan purveyors throughout the growing season.

After harvesting the plants, the materials arrive to Laurel’s Lab in raw form and are lovingly assessed. Laurel’s sommelier nose is the true test for each and every ingredient that enters the Lab. With skill and swiftness, she can decipher the year of harvest, harvesting conditions, storing conditions, processing conditions, and of course adulteration, with just one whiff.

Other than its odor, a telltale sign of purity and quality is color. While cosmetic suppliers offer botanical extracts that are clear or white, indicating a lack of antioxidant potency, Laurel’s ingredients produce a rich palette of vibrant hues. Their unwavering commitment to purity and quality ensures that pre-preserved, chemically refined, or otherwise compromised ingredients are unwelcome in Laurel’s Lab.

As plant materials are exposed to light, heat, and oxygen, the antioxidants within them begin to turn into free radicals, thus losing potency. This degradation process is inevitable for all plant ingredients, but the degree to which these materials maintain their integrity through strict quality control is what sets Laurel apart. This is often overlooked or under-regulated by cosmetic suppliers and product manufacturers. Laurel’s in-house manufacturing guarantees the most stringent oversight to ensure the freshest, most efficacious products for your skin. 

I hope you get the chance to experience the magic medicine in this line soon. Come in for a Transcendence Signature Treatment for all the whole plant love!


Connective Tissue Massage: Healing Skin From the Inside Out

Thank you to Kristen of Woodside Holistic for allowing me to use this image beautifully depicting the connective tissue technique.

Thank you to Kristen of Woodside Holistic for allowing me to use this image beautifully depicting the connective tissue technique.

Remember me mentioning an amazing training retreat I was part of in September? Well the Connective Tissue massage technique was just one part of that wonderful week. I got to spend 5 days with a group of like-minded estheticians and, wow, what a supportive experience. The connective tissue work is taught by Anne Brahman who runs a holistic esthetician program and it is inspired by the work of Elizabeth Dicke (a German physical therapist). Taking advantage of the skin’s own incredible structure this technique causes a natural lifting effect while truly rejuvenating the tissue. We are working the space within the skin where the collagen and elastin live which supports the structure of our skin. Within this space live nerve endings as well as our blood supply for nutrients and our lymph system for waste removal. When we tune into this layer of our skin, not only does the health of our skin improve, but the nerve endings communicate with our brain and our entire body can feel the benefits! 

The ever important protective acid mantle of the skin is generated from the inside out so by focusing on healing the inside layers of the skin, we can expect true rejuvenation by supporting the skins natural function. I highly recommend investing in the True Rejuvenation Package for the most effective and longest lasting results. By performing this technique on a weekly basis (for 8 weeks) we are able to thoroughly flush the lymphatic system (carrying away unwanted toxic buildup), flood the skin with healthy nutrients (through the interstitial fluid and circulation), and make space for the facial muscles to lift back up where they belong. What’s truly amazing to me about this work is how I am able to watch the skin change throughout the treatment. I can see the freshly oxygenated blood flush the surface of the skin. I can watch and feel the fluid drain from the puffy areas. I can feel the space created and I can watch as the muscles fully relax, you take a deep breath and let go. 

This is my beautiful Mama and the image on the right is after only 1 connective tissue treatment! It’s amazing how the skin responds so positively when it’s given a dose of the nutrients and the love it needs.

This is my beautiful Mama and the image on the right is after only 1 connective tissue treatment! It’s amazing how the skin responds so positively when it’s given a dose of the nutrients and the love it needs.